R U Dumb?No problem..R U Poor?No problem..R U Unhealthy?No Problem..R U Ugly?No Problem..R U Unlucky???? Its a Big problem

Disclaimer: I am writing this article because its my view. If I m hurting someone or anyone has any problem then please just leave your comments. But please don’s Sue me……….This article is copyright of Abhishek bothra. No part of these shall be reproduced in any form. So please don’t reproduce this part just copy and paste. Hehe. Read till end..ok…else I will sue you

Luck is what matters if you have to survive happily in this world. Do you think if you are genius, rich and healthy or any one of them you can survive????? I am completely disagree with you if you think so.

Let me tell you a small story (its my imagination, not real)

There was a guy named “Very genius”. Was very rich, healthy and handsome too. Now whats missing?? Luck….!!!!! Lets see how luck in his life made his life hell.

He was working on a very big project. The deadline to submit the project is tomorrow morning 9 am. And today its 9 pm. He discovers at last moment a major fault (his bad luck that he discovers so late)in his project and as he is genius he finds that only a specific part “XXXXXX” can only fix this problem (being genius is of no use, as he cant manufacture that product now). That part is available only at one shop all over world and that place is none other than the city where he stays(little lucky). But he finds the shop is now closed.( bad luck). He calls up the shopkeeper on his mobile but he is going out of station as his mother in law expired (badluck again). Now what to do??? He offered him a huge amount of money but shopkeeper didn’t agree ,because his wife will kill him if he misses his mother in law’s funeral(being rich of no use)..He goes to his shop to break open the lock and steal the part ,he tries a lot using many ideas and his power (Both being genius and healthy of no use.. his bad luck that lock didn’t open). Mean time neighbors catch him and handover to police for trying to break the lock. He offers a huge sum of money to police but the policeman is very honest (His badluck again.. Because it is very rare to find a honest policeman). Neither the policeman nor the shopkeeper had a daughter who can fall for him and help him out some way( being handsome of no use). So he finally lost the project deal and faces a big big loss in his business.

Now there is another boy in his town named “Very lucky”. As his name he is very very lucky. But he is very poor, always ill, ugly too. Bur he has three friends namely “Genius”,”Rich”,”Beautiful(female)” (His luck that he has all three kind of friends). All four are working on same project same as on which the guy “Very genius” is working on. Genius finds a problem and realize that they need a part “YYYYY” (lil bad luck) which is available in same shop as above. Now they are in same condition. They call shopkeeper but he is out of station. Fortunately the shopkeeper’s son is in love with “Beautiful” (their luck). So she takes this as an opportunity (U knw gals never miss an opportunity to use boys) and seduce him and make him agree to open the shop. Now the part they want is very costly but the shopkeeper’s son has to tell his dad about the part. So he cant let them take it for free so the “Rich” paid the entire amount(luck again). There project is finished and they get the deal. And as “Very lucky” is always ill. He gets sympathy of people(again luck) and they offer him 15% of profit share to him.

So luck is what matters.

People may disagree with me or say that along with luck being genius, rich etc etc is also important. But I say

“if you are lucky u do not need anything else, your luck will take care of what all you need”.

Still you do not agree with me !!!!!!!! then i have to tell you one more thing

“ Being genius or rich is also a part of being lucky, If you are neither genius nor rich etc etc..then you are unlucky to not be so.”

above two lines must be contradicting..but who cares!!!!!!

So Luck is what which matters everything.

If you agree with me then you are a very unlucky person in life because you know what all can happen on being unlucky and you can understand importance of being lucky. And if you disagree with me then also you are unlucky because you are not understanding the importance of being lucky. May God bless you (if you are lucky, which you are not)


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